Rather absently I picked up a little free in-house magazine in a music retailer in London today which I was delighted to see had a little piece half-arsedly attempting to push The Young Divas (aka The Young Beavers aka The Bin aka My Good Girlfriends) on a horrified British public.
This article's first sentence described the Beavers as a "hot Australian club act".
Let us dissect. Hot. Australian. Club. Act. Almost none of this is correct!
"Hot." No. Maybe in November 2006 they were hot for approximately 4 weeks. But more recently, Searchin' made number 37, yes? They are "hot" in the sense that Kate de Rouge likes to wear a lot of vinyl under the heavy studio lights for some reason. That is it.
"Australian." I can concede this one I suppose if they are taken as an aggregated product and not as individuals.
"Club." Oh, ho ho HO. PLEASE. Their singles don't have any remixes AT ALL beyond the (admittedly pleasing) 'extended version' that they tack on as a b-side to each one. I am not even aware of the Beavers playing a gay 'club', let alone having some sort of Armand van Helden-esque status in my home country (please do alert me if this has changed in my absence since January). They seem to be trying to market them in the same vein as a Kristine W. Here is a picture of Ms W being a Hot Club Act:

I would be pleased if they went down this route, the Beavers! Are they doing this!
"Act". Please refer to my last post on this blog.
I mean, I am obsessed with the Young Divas concept but even I am aware of this project's limitations.
Now Courtney Act:

is an ACTUAL hot Australian club Act. Where did she GO, the wondrous Ms Act! COME BACK. I am tired of 'new site coming soon'.
Well trying to launch them in the UK is a complete waste of time, but it's nice to see them try anyway !
Keep up the good work - I've linked you on my new popblog and I'd be really grateful if you could link me back ! Need the hits :( Merci
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