
I was faced with a choice, at a difficult age. Would I write a book, or should I take to the stage

Wednesday, January 18


Viewers, it's that time of year again where, as Australians, we must complete our giddy annual season of Andrew G-worship and prepare for the new year of celebration and appreciation of Our Lady Gretel Killeen. That's right. Goodbye, Andrew; HELLO GRETEL it's so nice to have you back where you belong She will be back on our screens in Big Brother 06 in MERE WEEKS with her gorgeous gowns, her brilliantly rapid-fire interrogation of idiotic blonde Gold Coast residents, her astonishing hairstyles, her poise and glamour, her good wit AND SO FORTH. Are you getting ready? We suggest that the preparation of a small diorama or shrine to Our Lady Gretel of some sort would be appropriate at this early stage. You don't want to leave such things too late.


At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

''s that time of year again WHEN...'

At 11:19 am, Blogger Fop said...

Ooh, get you! Go grammar police!

At 1:30 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

Hurrah! More opportunities to perve on cute straight boys under the guide of finding the program 'a fascinating anthropological study of contemporary Australian culture'! Oh, who am I trying to fool? Bring on the cock!

At 1:33 pm, Blogger richardwatts said...

Dammit, I meant 'under the guise'...

At 3:34 pm, Blogger Fop said...

Precisely! Hopefully they'll pick some attractive ones this year. I'm a bit concerned though that the fracas over BB uncut last year may mean NO cock in '06 which would be a FUCKING DISASTER for BB, Australia and its people.

At 1:14 pm, Blogger Adem With An E said...

When the very first BB started, in a fit of love I threw together a rather dodgy - but somewhat endearing - Gretel Fan page. It was the only one online at the time too!

Not sure why I never continued on with it, but maybe this is a sign it needs to be re-opened, don't you think Fop?


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