
I was faced with a choice, at a difficult age. Would I write a book, or should I take to the stage

Tuesday, February 17

Kylie and the gays

Now we all know that Australia's queen of rock, Kylie Minogue loves entertaining the gays ("They're so loyal!"). Quite right too, as she'd be unlikely to have any sort of career today without us. But many people are unaware that Kylie's affinity for her constituency extends to an active and vocal pursuit of political and civil rights for gays, as her comments on the following issues reveal:

On the potential wedge issue of gay marriage: "This album was about the songs and then about which songs fit together," she opines.
On the rising trend of violence outside gay clubs: "I feel more woman than girl these days," she chides.
On the question of equal superannuation entitlements for same-sex spouses: "It’s like acting. You embrace the song and you are in that world. Then the next song, you’re in a slightly different world," she mutters.
On the everyday threats faced by gay youth in Islamic states: "I'm supposed to be on my holidays but I've got so much to do," she shouts.
On the decision of the ACT Liberal opposition to refer the ACT government's new same-sex adoption laws to Australian Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock for a consitutional challenge: "To be honest, I reached a point a while ago when conquering America stopped being a priority for me," she parps.
On lesbian invisibility: "One thing is certain: I don't expect I'll do another song like the last one," she advises.
On the conservative media's tendency to conflate homosexuality and paedophilia: "'My sister had an orange canary," she wails. "Somehow it flew away."

Step off, Peter Tatchell. Kylie is the gays' saviour.


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